Friday, April 3, 2009

Down With the Sickness

So we had a birthday party last Sunday for our youngest daughter, who turned 2 the week before. With all the preparation that morning, I knew I'd probably have to squeeze in my run (12 miles) sometime that night. After the party, things settled down and I thought I had eaten too much as I was having some stomach issues. Net result: long run skipped. While I realize I'm in the taper before the race, I was still concerned about missing the run.

The next morning I woke to stomach cramps and pretty much felt likeid been hit by a bus. GREAT. I should have figured that when the two ladies at work (both of whose cubes adjoin mine) were sick at the end of last week that I would end up catching something. So I was home sick for 2 days, and didn't really start eating much of anything until Thursday. Needless to say, no running this week.

So I'm concerned. Concerned that all the work i've put in over the last 16 weeks has been in vain. Concerned that I'll crumble on race day and not be able to finish. Concerned that my body will have forgotten what I need it to do and what it is supposed to do.

I certainly plan on getting my runs in this week, just to get things moving again. Hopefully i won't feel like dying.

We'll see in 8 days. 8 frakking days.


moon maiden said...

Rob...I know you CAN do it. Don't dwell too much on what you have or have not done. That's the way to a failure mindset believe me I know!
With Kris there to urge you to keep going you will WIN by it in or over 5 hrs.
To me you are already a winner just by following thru with running the race!!! You and Kris are my hero's. Love, Mom

Kris said...

First of all make sure you're 100% better before you push for some running! Trust the one who pushed through a cold and wound up sick for 5 weeks with a bonus sinus infection.

Your body will remember. You've done all the work, trust in that. Come race day we'll get to that frakkin finish line!

As T reminded at least we get a shirt for our efforts. :-)